Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Everything is different

It's funny how you can go through the whole year and nothing seems to change,
but when you look back... everything is different...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eagle Eye

The movie casts the always engaging Shia LaBeouf as Jerry Shaw, a hapless nobody caught up in the cogs of domestic intrigue.

He has just returned home to New York after his brother’s funeral, and stops at an ATM where he discovers his normally empty bank account now contains $750,000. As anyone would, he withdraws as much as he can fit in his pockets and heads home, wondering what the hell is going on.

He arrives at his dinky apartment to find it too is no longer empty. It is now full, with all the chemicals and weaponry one might need to commit a major act of terrorism. His phone rings. A mysterious voice on the other end warns him he has only seconds to leave his apartment before the FBI arrives to arrest him.

Jerry ignores the warning and in shock, remains rooted to the floor until moments later when the FBI’s foot soldiers come crashing through his window and drag him off to jail. Jerry doesn’t stay in jail long, and soon the mysterious voice on the phone is directing him on an unknown mission of unknown intent.

The caller controls not only his cell connection, but seemingly every other piece of technology on the planet. The voice pairs him up with a mother named Rachel, who is forced to cooperate lest the voice murder her son. That Jerry and Rachel are being used and manipulated is never in question; what is, is whether they’re being used for good or for evil. The movie holds together as long as that question remains hanging heavily in mid-air, even after we find out who it is that’s controlling them, via a potentially ludicrous but surprisingly well handled plot twist.

It’s only in the third act that Eagle Eye starts to fall apart, when the battle lines are drawn and we’re told just exactly who we’re supposed to root for. The little anarchist inside me had more fun rooting for the other guy.

Though there is a passing attempt in the movie’s script to pose questions about the state of American politics, Eagle Eye is first and foremost a big, dumb, action thriller. It belongs smack dab in the middle of summer, why they’ve dropped it in September is something of a puzzler. Caruso jam packs his movie with big car crashes and things blowing up.

He does a perfect imitation of a Michael Bay action flick, complete with his annoying, usually pointless, shaky cam technique which more often than not, spoils the effect of something really cool blowing up. Better filmmakers like Paul Greengrass know how to use violent camera motion to suck the audience into the action, make them feel as if they’re a part of what’s going on.

Caruso lacks either the instincts or the subtlety to pull that off, and simply shakes things around for no other reason than to disorient his audience. It’s a minor annoyance really, most of the movie, what you can see of it, looks fantastic. More importantly, the action is well paced and, especially for the first two-thirds of the movie, thrilling. Cheap thrills is the real reason to be here, and Eagle Eye delivers.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Went to watch Ironman on Monday at TGV in Jaya Jusco, Kinta City. This movie tells the tale of “Tony Stark a.k.a Merchant of Death (Robert Downey Jr.) the CEO of Stark Industries which produces advance weapon systems for the U.S. military.

Tony’s father started the company after WWII, and after his father's death Tony inherited the company which worth billions. Tony lives the life as a hard drinking, rich playboy ladies man, but he is also a genius who has invented many high-tech items for the company.

Tony flies to Afghanistan to demonstrate a new weapon test, his latest rocket creation, the "Jericho" missile to the US Millitary. On his way back, his convoy is attacked by terrorists, and Tony is wounded by a Stark Industries missile.

Tony is captured and held hostage in a cave with Raza (Faran Tahir), a doctor who saves his life. The terrorists force Tony and Raza to reproduce the Jericho missile. Instead, Tony decides to build a suit of armor with Razas help. The suit gives Tony the strength and protection to be able to escape the terrorists.

Back in America, Tony builds a masterpiece of a stunningly flashy suit of armor that's got jet-packs on the feet, rockets in the arms, pulse laser thingies in the hands, and the world's smartest computer in the helmet. With the help of his personal assistant cum lover Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Jim Rhodes cum Enemy (Terrence Howard), Tony vows to protect the world as Iron Man.”

Watch it before it's too late.. a must watch movie, two thumbs up and a five star rating..

Saturday, May 3, 2008

7th BOSL Gathering

I was invited to the 7th BOSL Gathering by the organizer, Mun Han thru email on 21st of April 2008. When i saw the invitation, out of a sudden.. I thought to myself *OMG.. it is already the 7th gathering.. and I've been only went to one of the gathering all these years.. what a shame!

Without hesitation, i reply Mun Han tellin' him to count me in for the gathering.. I went to the gathering that nite with a curiosity and most of all a lil' scared cause after all these yrs of MIA.. lolx!

But hey.. I was enjoyed that nite cuz all my seniors & old time frens were there.. I'm so glad that I went to the gathering that nite.. if not i think I would miss out the fun there. The best thing was we get to sing Karaoke there that nite.. The food there was alrite.. and the price is quite reasonable.. went back happily @around 11.30pm that nite.. Below are some of the photos taken by Mun Han that nite..

Taken w/ Mun Han, Sit, Kok Yen & Ben

Taken w/ Mun Han & Ben

Taken w/ Wai Mei & Hooi Kian

Taken w/ Seow Yin

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Horton Hears A Who!

Went to watch Horton Hears A Who! on Saturday at TGV in Jaya Jusco, Kinta City. The movie stars an elephant named Horton which his adventures begin when he happens to hear a noise from a passing speck.

In fact, he hears a voice, which leads him to pursue the speck as it floats away, finally capturing it on a clover. Propping the flower before him, Horton listens again, more intently, and makes contact with the town that exists on the speck, in the form of the mayor of Whoville.

And so Horton, hearing about both bad possible ends, decides to save the speck, carrying it to a cave up the mountain from Nool, where it can remain undisturbed for however long Whoville might exist.

Then later, deemed the enemy of imagination, creativity, and childhood more generally, the evil kangaroo takes up an actual campaign to have the speck destroyed. She can’t just let Horton speak to his speck or worse, influence others that there are tiny people exists and living on a clover.

So the kangaroo determines she must stop Horton and eradicate the speck with the help of a Russian vulture named Vlad and a group of apes. And then, the great adventures of Horton and the Mayor of Whoville begins....

Thumbs up and a 4 star rating for the movie. Watch it and you'll know..

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Car is back!

I'm so excited that i got my car back today after 4 long weeks of repairing it. My car looks new to me now. Lolx! It does, when you compared it right after i met with an accident back in 1 month.

I'm sad to say that the car looks like a wreckage old junk during that time because my car was rammed by a 12 wheeler trailer. But thank GOD that i am still alive and remain unhurt after the freak accident.

Tested my car today and I'm not so satisfied with it as there are some unsatisfactory parts which is not up to my level of satisfaction yet. My car's driver side power window is not functioning well and my car road tax were torn after i got my car back.

But overall the performance of the car is alright. Anyway, I'm glad to have my car back as you know the hassle of not having a car would be disastrous. :D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Created a blog for myself today and the tittle's goes by Life's like that. Well, in order to start writing this blog i need something or some happenings for me to blog about. Err* anyway, will start blogging soon. tata!