Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My 25th Birthday..

It's my 25th birthday today..

I have just reached 25 years of my life..

* 25 years of ups and downs..

* 25 years of happiness..

* 25 years of great memories..

* 25 years of my past achievements..

* 25 years of the real deal..

* 25 years of wisdom..

* 25 years of knowledge..

* 25 years of life lessons..

* 25 years of everything.. &

* 25 years of growth..
..from newborn to baby, baby to pre-teen, pre-teen to teenage, teenage to young adult, young adult to finally an Adult..

A tremendous 25 years of journey.. A life journey that lead me to what I am today..

Thank you ma and dad for bringing me up into this World..

Thanks for everything.. your love, care and guidance throughout my 25 years of life..

Am forever grateful for that..

Happy Birthday!

A very happy 25th B'day to myself!