Thursday, December 17, 2009


Lost my handphone few days ago and curse that mutha fucka who stole my phone.. The handphone ain't that important.. it's the contacts that are important to me.. Life without handphone is worthless already.. Eventho' I have a handphone now (using back an old phone) there isn't any contacts there.. And I can't remember any of it.. But hell, luckily there's FACEBOOK and it does help.. help me a lot from getting back my contacts without hassle.. I've learn my lesson now, do not leave your stuff lying naked on the bench facing the back of you.. It took merely a few seconds and boom* it's gone.. Now you see it, now you don't (Chipsmore slogan).. To the mutha fucka who took my handphone, I hope that both your hands will be cut off so that you can't steal ppl's belonging anymore.. Period.