Monday, March 1, 2010


Be a Realist.. Altho' people say we are fools..

Because I fight for what I believe, and let no one stand in my way, People say I am a fool?

Because I never settle for second best, but always go for the next, I am a fool?

Because I profess my love freely without restraint, I am a fool?

Because I believe in the good of humanity, and trust to openly, I am a fool?

Because I dream of better times, where I will be with the love of my life in a world free of chaos, I am a fool?

Well, then I will be a fool.

Just know, that I am not alone.

When God created man, even with all the risks, to have it turn out to be a complete failure, I suppose he was a fool.

When the colonies of Europe begin dreaming of land, of power, of interaction with new colonies, I suppose they were fools.

When Obama put his name in for the presidential ballot, dreaming of his chance to become president, i suppose he was a fool.

When Martin Luther King, perhaps the biggest idealist in history, had a dream, that his people would one day be free, I suppose he was a fool.

The purpose of this, is that all great men were fools. The men who made all you see when you look around possible, they were fools. But they made a difference. Fools make a difference. I want to make a difference.

I want one day, for children to look in history books across the world, see my picture, and say "See that man? He made a difference. He made the world a better place. He was a dreamer. He was a fool. ANd I want to be just like him."

So, call me a fool, because I swing for the fence. But know this. Its men like me, that people like you can even have a reality to hold on to.

So, be a realist. See the world for what it really is. I'll handle the history for you, while you sit and mock in the background, at this fool...