But, I guess people do change. I somewhat enjoy the only "ME" time now. I guess we all do need some alone time sometimes. I do really treasure the time spent with myself nowadays, going out to the mall, having a good cup of hot chocolate and a good read of me books. Or even, enjoy a movie at home on a lazy couch noming on some chips or popcorns. Mmm-mmm*. There's actually a lot to do with ourself; we can do gardening, clean up rooms or closets or some other hobbies that we enjoy doing it. For me, reading a book is part of me hobby. Love it. :)
All in all, I do really wonder if this is the nature of me busy career or simply aging that leads me to the change. lolx.
Well, I just feel that it's good to have some personal time and space once in a while. Period.