Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have you ever?!

Have you ever thought about how you would like to be remembered?

What would you want your legacy to be?

Well, I thought about it before and would like to share some points about it.

I think it's fair to say that mostly people don't really like to think about such questions; perhaps none would like to think about their own death as there's no value in asking and answering such questions. Maybe some will believe that there are other more important things to focus on rather than this. No matter what the reasons are, it can serve a useful purpose from time to time.

Do you know that; by even starting to think about how you would like to be remembered after you're gone, you'll begin to consider how you want to live your life while you're still here. This thinking will actually reflects to us and generates a greater clarity about what's more important to you in the way you want to live your life. And by having more clarity, this will lead us to a better way towards creating and sustaining a successful and fulfilling life.

It's sad to see that many people go through their lives being unaware to what is more important to them and what they could consciously choose for themselves and not just wait for things to come. Well, imagine this, what if *touch wood* something happened to you, will this gonna become more obvious to you? Isn't this will make you pause and reflect on the bigger picture now? The fact is that we're all here only for a finite period of time and no one knows when death will reach us. So rather than wasting anymore time being stuck in the "living dead" category, let's take charge and move forward with purpose and passion.

What I'm saying here is; don't postpone your life anymore. Don't wait anymore. Don't wait till you're dying to really start living. Wake up, your wake up call has arrived. *Snap* Come back and start living it.Well, you can just start by committing in taking all the necessary steps so that you can live more in harmony with the vision you have for your life and your legacy.

"Whatever you need to do and want to do, do it today. There are only (so many) tomorrows."