Monday, June 8, 2009

Just Random

Favorite day of the week?
-=- Friday

What are you listening to right now?
-=- Halo by Beyonce

Where are you right now?
-=- In my bedroom

What was the last thing you ate?
-=- Bin Bin Rice Cracker

If you were a crayon what color would you be?
-=- Yellow, It's time to shine..

How is the weather right now?
-=- Weather's hot!

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
-=- Candy

The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
-=- The beautiful Eyes.

Favorite type of Food?
-=- Japanese. Oishi Desu!

Do you drink?
-=- I drink. Lots of water.

Do you smoke?
-=- Nope

Ever get so drunk you don't remember?
-=- Nope.. But, how is a person going to remember when he / she is drunk.

What color are your eyes?
-=- Dark Brown

Do you wear contacts?
-=- Nope. My eye sight is pure-fact.

Are you Single?
-=- Single & Available

Favorite Month?
-=- September.

Ever cried for no reason?
-=- Nope.

Last movie you've watched?
-=- Aliens Vs. Monsters

What color is your underwear right now?
-=- Wearing my boxer right now.

Are you too shy to ask someone out?
-=- Me.. Shy.. No way..

Hugs or Kisses?
-=- A lil' of both pls. Really need one now.

Chocolate or Vanilla?
-=- Chocolate Vanilla.

What books are you reading?
-=- Work Less, Achieve More by Fergus O' Connell

-=- Nah! Tried it. Not cool.

Fav. Drama?
-=- Currently None.

Fav. football team?
-=- Not much of a football fanatic. But will support Man U.

Any pets?
-=- Nope.

AIM or Yahoo?
-=- MSN.

Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?
-=- Butter / Caramel

Dogs or cats?
-=- Doggie.

Fav. flower?
-=- Dun have any in mind.

Have you ever fired a gun?
-=- Yes i do.

Right handed or left handed?
-=- Lefty.

How many pillows do you sleep with?
-=- Hmm* Let me count. Three.

Are you missing someone?
-=- Yes. But what can I do.

How much do you miss that someone?
-=- Erm* around 80%.