Saturday, January 23, 2010

Derek 101 : Be Good to Yourself

Life is complicated for almost everyone or should I say Everyone. We all will experience which will pain us, which will annoys us and which will challenges us all the time. We must each take care of ourselves in such times.

No one's life is without trial and tribulations. No one's life is stress-free. While the goal is to be proactive so as to minimize having to always live life under duress or the edge of chaos, we must make concessions for when such times set in. During those times when things are looking down and you're stressed to the max, be especially "Extra-xtra" good to yourself by resting and eating properly, and by releasing tension through exercise and relaxation should be good.

Always be patient with yourself. Talk with others about what's troubling you; getting something out in the open diffuses its power on you. Make a list of all that is good in your life. Allow your faith to comfort you. And lastly don't ever forget to be GOOD to yourself.

Derek 101