Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Derek 101 : Let Go

Sometimes you have to pick up your heart and go on --- alone.

Have you ever had a friend who wasn't good for you, perhaps because he or she influenced you to do things, say things or be someone other than you know yourself to be? Have you ever be in love with a special someone but knew the relationship wasn't right for you? When things aren't right, you need to "let go" -- with love of course. Yes, I know this can be difficult to do, especially if your heart isn't quite yet ready to be without the other person. Even so, sometimes you have to pick up your heart and go home. You don't have to make the other person "wrong" or "bad" so that you seem justified in "letting go."

Let go because you know it's right for you and because you love and honor yourself enough to know this. Even if the other person doesn't want out of the relationship and asks why you are leaving, rather than saying, "Because you don't/ can't/ won't..." and so on, simply say, "I need to leave because this is not right for me." Letting go can be something you do as a way to love your own heart because by letting go, you hold it in the highest regard.

Derek 101