Being happy with yourself is the starting point for being a successful human being. This is what I always see in life... "HAPPINESS"..
What is your definition of a successful human being? Is it the person who is really popular on campus -- the star of the football team or the head cheerleader? Perhaps you think it's the person who has the great friends, the one who everyone thinks is "a really nice person."
Or is your definition of a successful student is the one who always get good grades? Or is it the person who has all the right clothes and the coolest "things"? "NO" there are not! But it's good to think about your definition of success so that you'll know when you're experiencing it.
Success begins with being happy with yourself. Without this happiness, your success may feel empty. Do you know someone who seems to have many triumphs and victories are still unhappy with their life? The best success in life is always being a happy human being which also depends on being how happy you are with yourself. The happiest people don't bother about whether life is fair or not. They just concentrate on what they have.
We have lots of excuses always for postponing our happiness. Here a few:
Excuse #1: If I were somewhere else, I'd be happy
Usually, the best place to make a new start is where you are!
Excuse #2: If I were older--or--younger- I'd be happy!
It's not about your age, It's always about your attitude.
Excuse #3: When I meet the perfect partner I'll be happy!
In the real world, other people don't change our lives. We do it ourselves.
Excuse #4: If I didn't have these problems I'd be happy!
The fewer rules you have about how life ought to be, and how other people ought to
behave, the easier it is to be happy.
Excuse #5: If only I had that!
You will be happy with stuff only if you can be happy without stuff.
Excuse #6: I'll be happy when.....
The happiest people aren't waiting for anything to happen. They'll go looking for it.
People always say. "When I get what I want, I'll be happy!" but they have it back to front.
Try looking at this way: WHEN YOU ARE HAPPY, YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT. Isn't it better?
Derek 101
What is your definition of a successful human being? Is it the person who is really popular on campus -- the star of the football team or the head cheerleader? Perhaps you think it's the person who has the great friends, the one who everyone thinks is "a really nice person."
Or is your definition of a successful student is the one who always get good grades? Or is it the person who has all the right clothes and the coolest "things"? "NO" there are not! But it's good to think about your definition of success so that you'll know when you're experiencing it.
Success begins with being happy with yourself. Without this happiness, your success may feel empty. Do you know someone who seems to have many triumphs and victories are still unhappy with their life? The best success in life is always being a happy human being which also depends on being how happy you are with yourself. The happiest people don't bother about whether life is fair or not. They just concentrate on what they have.
We have lots of excuses always for postponing our happiness. Here a few:
Excuse #1: If I were somewhere else, I'd be happy
Usually, the best place to make a new start is where you are!
Excuse #2: If I were older--or--younger- I'd be happy!
It's not about your age, It's always about your attitude.
Excuse #3: When I meet the perfect partner I'll be happy!
In the real world, other people don't change our lives. We do it ourselves.
Excuse #4: If I didn't have these problems I'd be happy!
The fewer rules you have about how life ought to be, and how other people ought to
behave, the easier it is to be happy.
Excuse #5: If only I had that!
You will be happy with stuff only if you can be happy without stuff.
Excuse #6: I'll be happy when.....
The happiest people aren't waiting for anything to happen. They'll go looking for it.
People always say. "When I get what I want, I'll be happy!" but they have it back to front.
Try looking at this way: WHEN YOU ARE HAPPY, YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT. Isn't it better?
Derek 101