I always envy that some people have the endurance muscles. These people are able to exert themselves and go for a very long distances for a period of time.
I guess I really need to train well on my endurance in order to get physically fit. I also need to get my stamina back on track. When it comes to exercising. In fact I would rather do more on my cardio then lifting weights.
I am challenging myself to have a 5KM non-stop run in 30 minutes. Giving myself a one month training on that. I hope that I can overcome the challenge. Not the fastest time tho' but I will increase by time. I seriously need lots of motivation for me to run.
I hope I train well on it. I am focusing more on how to help boost my stamina and learn to endure. And not just endure, but to endure with joy. I must say I stink at endurance, but what I need is just patience and faith at the moment. Well, at least i am still pushing forward so that should count for something right?