Saturday, September 4, 2010


While you are reading this, I just want you to think back when you were in high school or after leaving high school. What type of personality did you have? What kind of person you are? Are you a better person or worse?

I've been wondering about this lately because I remember having so much energy and enthusiasm. I remember feeling like I could do anything. However, I have to note some good changes about me that have come with maturity. I guess I am more mellow now and I feel like part of my terrible temper is gone. I am more comfortable with myself and able to control myself better against negativity.

And now, I have decided to stick on being as mellow as possible and as happy I can. I'm enjoying being that now. I enjoy learning how to be a better person, a better son, brother and friend everyday. But I just need to do more. I'm working out on having a better positive outlook as well. I want to work more on my enthusiasm for life and to shine forth my personality.

So, my hope is that I can work on these outlooks and really start to enjoy my life with great passion and enthusiasm. But most of all, I got to be HAPPY about it. That's me and that's what life gonna be. :)