Sunday, September 26, 2010

"What If"

So what if...

Your favorite football team lost again and this time was at the hands of a more lowly ranked opposition... so what? You were planning a picnic today, but now there is a cold wind and is pouring with rain... so what? You just finish washing your car, the next thing you know a bird fly pass and drop a fresh poo on to your now shiny machine... so what? Your friend has spilled his or her coffee on your clean and freshly ironed new shirt, just as you were having a drink with him or her at the coffee shop nearby... so what? The trip that you've planned for so long got to be canceled; the car model that you were planning to buy next year has stopped manufacturing; the department store has run out of your size in those jeans that you've long ed for... so what?

So what?! So What?! SO WHAT?!

LIGHTEN UP!! These things are NOT important. It is mostly just a little anger, a little not satisfied, and a little thinking and it is definitely a waste of your time and your energy on it. Haha. Actually why don't we just face it. Have a good laugh on it. It really would be a funny sight to see, don't you think? Imagine that. :)