Monday, September 6, 2010

Who is "ME"

Who am I?

i am an ordinary guy, an average joe, a freelancer, a music lover, a son , a brother, a friend and a whole slew of other things. do any one of these things define me more than any other?


They work together to make me the magical person that i am. i am just kidding, but honestly each of these parts of me define me.

There is a part of getting older that is amazing, and that is self-actualiztion. realizing that who you are is not dependent on any outside forces. i cannot allow anyone else define my worth and value. i cannot allow others to diminish who and what i am, neither can i allow any of the labels control me. i only wish that i knew this as much when i was in high school when i needed it the most.

i'm not the extraordinary person i know, nor the best son, brother or friend. there is always someone who is a better son, sibling, friend or leader. i know i have my own mission in this life. i know that no matter what people say, think or feel about me that i have a purpose. a calling or a divine nature. i am not perfect, great or even good for that matter, but in the end i am who I am. a man that desire much.

i'm proud to be the person who doesn't really write well or speak good and who always gets in trouble for plowing through life, but i am who i am. at least for now. but i know i will change again, someday.

i love this quote by ralph waldo emerson
" To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"