Sunday, September 19, 2010


Stop...... Stop thinking already! Just tell that voice to "Shut the fcuk up and listen for a while!" You should know who I mean, right? He is the voice with all the answers. The voice that knows everything, the voice that has an opinion on everything and is never wrong! He is the voice you are listening to right now. Can you hear him? Yes It's your inner voice. And I would like to call him as Mr. Inneryuh...

Mr. Inneryuh is the voice in your head. He never ever shuts up and you can hear him all the time. Your relationship with him is unique and personal. He's your closest friend, your constant guide and sometimes your worst enemy. He has been educated by you and also taken lessons from whoever or whatever that had been appeared in your life; family, friends, colleagues, relatives, partner, television, Internet, radio, newspapers, movies, books and etc. His one and only, but extremely influential skill is to constantly regurgitate information he has received.

Mr. Inneryuh may speak loudly and decisively but he has no set of opinions, values and morals. However, he directs your knowledge, your fears, your desires, your passions and your opinions to be used always as his training. We always describe him as our thinking or something related to it. Mr. Inneryuh is always available to learn new stuff, as you grows he grows and when you have the opportunity to change his education, you'll change what he says to you. I guess we have to spent all of our life to develop Mr. Inneryuh and part of it should be good and some part of it should be not.

There is a saying that states, "If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to be who you have always been!" And "If you continue to think in the way you have always thought, you will continue to feel as you have always felt." In order to change the way you feel, you need to change the way you think. This means, we need to start re-educate Mr. Inneryuh and your life might never be the same again!