Friday, September 10, 2010

Setting GOALs

Goals are important! I guess everyone knows that to be true. There would hardly be a single person over the age of 5, anywhere on this planet, who has not set at least one goal. I have set thousand of goals! Haven't you?

Setting goals is EASY! But achieving it is an entirely different matter.

If you are nodding, as you sigh disappointingly in memory of your many unachieved goals, take heart... even the greatest achievers of this world have set goals and not attained them. The truth is, setting a goal and failing to achieve it, is not necessarily a failure at all. Instead by actually having a goal is truly a great start. But first we need to define our goals.

In defining each goal...
To know what you want.
To know when you want it.
To describe why you want it.
Have a basic idea of how you are going to reach the goal.

After defining it, write all the details of your goal on a card.
Read the card over and over again, many times each day, until your goal has been realized.

Do it for a day and when you get to the end of the day, decide to do it for another day. After you have done it for a week, do it for another week, a month, a year, a lifetime.

However, completing your goals in all areas of your live will greatly assist in developing a stronger belief in how brilliant you truly are.

Goals give us a purpose. they give us a target. Goals allow us to become more enthusiastic about where we are headed. It gives me purpose with passion and it motivates me. It does not matter one little but as to whether or not I achieve that goal. If I only make it half way, the result will still be wonderful.

Imagine this, what if you could wake up everyday with a hand on your heart, honest to goodness, absolutely genuine feeling and belief that YOU ARE GREAT, YOU ARE BRILLIANT, YOU ARE JUST FANTASTIC? Yes, you can.. I can.. REALLY can.

Just feel free to take the goal for your own. Choose it for yourself. Start each day with a routine commitment of standing in front of the mirror before you leave your home and say to the reflection you see...

"You are to have a fantastic day, because... YOU ARE GREAT!"